Mobile e-commerce app "Lyuks Voda"

About the Client

Lyuks Voda is one of the largest drinking water production and supply companies.



Lyuks Voda mobile app development.


  • Providing existing customers with a user-friendly service for ordering drinking water and related products, taking into account the current loyalty program
  • Enabling new users to register on-the-fly and become customers



Due to the fast-paced and dynamic development of the Lyuks Voda company, we decided to use Scrum to incorporate the new features to the loyalty program, instead of the classic Waterfall approach.


  • Creating a new mobile apps for both iOS / Android platforms, replacing the legacy ones with a significant expansion of the feature set;
  • Implementing an advanced loyalty program;
  • Two-direction integration with the accounting system;
  • Catalog with detailed product descriptions;
  • Purchasing via the shopping cart;
  • Implementing a new loyalty program;
  • Personal customer accounts for individuals and legal entities.



Lyuks Voda mobile app helped increase existing customers  loyalty by 25% and attract 20% more new customers as  compared to the results obtained earlier. With a virtual loyalty card linked to a user profile, the company can better manage data, improving the quality of business decisions to increase sales.